Unlock the Power of Workplace Gratitude: Welcome to a Culture of Appreciation

Step into the world of exceptional workplace culture, where gratitude, appreciation, and recognition are highly valued and joyously celebrated. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey as we introduce you to our dedicated and inspiring Gratitude in the Workplace blog. Our unwavering mission is to guide you in creating a positive work environment that not only ignites passion but also fosters engagement and drives unprecedented success.

Effortless Navigation: Relevant Categories for Empowering Workplace Culture

Experience seamless navigation as you explore our diverse categories designed to empower your workplace culture. Discover practical insights in Workplace Gifts, where thoughtful gestures and appreciation take center stage. Furthermore, delve into Employee Engagement, Appreciation, and Recognition to enhance connection and satisfaction within your team. Finally, immerse yourself in Celebrations of Gratitude at Work, where you’ll find inspiration for meaningful events, team-building activities, and heartfelt expressions of appreciation.

Workplace Gift Ideas and Where to Buy Them

Uncover a treasure trove of workplace gift ideas that will delight and inspire your employees. From personalized tokens of gratitude to innovative recognition programs, find the perfect gifts that convey your heartfelt appreciation. Moreover, we’ll guide you on where to buy these exceptional gifts, ensuring convenience and quality.

Employee Engagement, Appreciation, and Recognition

Boost employee engagement by fostering a culture of appreciation and recognition. Discover effective strategies to cultivate open communication, strengthen teamwork, and create a supportive work environment. Empower your employees to thrive and contribute their best, resulting in enhanced job satisfaction and overall organizational success.

Celebrations of Gratitude at Work

Infuse your workplace with a spirit of gratitude that transcends holidays and special occasions. Learn about unique and meaningful celebrations to honor your employees and strengthen their bond. From creative team-building activities to heartfelt appreciation initiatives, create an environment where gratitude thrives year-round.

Empowering Leaders: Unleash Your Potential to Create Extraordinary Workplaces

At the core of our remarkable blog resides a passionate team of expert writers and culture enthusiasts. Collectively, we empower you to become an exceptional leader. With practical tips, invaluable guidance, and comprehensive resources, you can build a gratitude-filled company culture that resonates with your employees.

Embark on an exciting journey to unlock the power of workplace gratitude. Our blog serves as your beacon of information and resources, meticulously tailored to meet your unique needs. Together, let us create a profoundly positive work environment that drives success and nurtures well-being. By engaging with our content, you will gain valuable insights and practical strategies to implement transformative practices. So take that crucial first step today and unlock the potential of gratitude in your workplace. Prepare to inspire, motivate, and cultivate a culture of appreciation like never before.

  • Back to School: Appreciate Your Friendly Custodian

    Back to school - thank a custodian!

    As we head back to school, it’s a good time to take a moment to appreciate the hard work of custodial staff who keep our schools clean and safe. These essential workers often go unnoticed, but their contributions are vital to the success of our schools.

    National Custodian Day is officially October 2, but why wait?

    Kick off the school year with an abundance of gratitude for those who helped clean up and get our schools ready for staff and students. Hang a giant custodian thank you card and hang it up for everyone to sign and set the tone for everyone who enters the building.

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  • 15 Quotes for a Workplace Culture of Gratitude

    gratitude rocks the workplace

    Motivational posters may be a little outdated, but sharing positivity in the workplace never gets old. Whether it’s simply sharing a quote to conclude a meeting or a classy sign in a conference room, there are many famous — and not so famous — quotes that can impact how employees feel about the culture of an organization. We’ve pulled together 15 quotes for a workplace culture of gratitude that may inspire or encourage you and your teams.

    The most important application is for leaders to model an attitude of gratitude, taking the time and effort to thank and acknowledge what deserves praise. Flippant usage of “thanks” isn’t the goal … it’s providing a positive space to allow people to acknowledge and support each other.

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  • Excellent TED Talks on Building Workplace Gratitude

    TED Talks offer insights into leadership and workplace gratitude

    Building a culture of workplace gratitude could be the best thing you ever do for your business. In fact, author and speaker Toni Powell calls gratitude at work the key to success in “Why Gratitude in the Workplace?

    “Gratitude has the rather extraordinary power to change just about every aspect of life—in very surprising ways.”

    When you practice workplace gratitude, you transform relationships, minimize complaints, and see satisfaction levels skyrocket. The effect is profound and long-lasting, Powell says, because gratitude rewires the brain to see and process the world differently.


    • Increases resilience.
    • Reduces stress.
    • Facilitates positive relationships.
    • Makes people happier.


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  • 8 Gratitude Exercises for Groups

    Gratitude exercises for groups

    Gratitude activities for adults can play a crucial role in building a kinder and more purposeful workplace culture. Tangible expressions of gratitude are proven to enhance engagement, reduce turnover, and boost overall morale. One practical way to foster a culture of gratitude is by incorporating gratitude exercises for groups. Here are 8 exercises that you can (and should) try.


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  • Pizza Gifts offer a Hearty Slice of Appreciation

    Pizza gifts are a great way to say thank you.

    Pizza. It’s a universally loved food that brings people together and puts a smile on everyone’s face. Whether it’s a casual get-together, a special celebration, or simply a night in at home, pizza symbolizes a fun meal usually shared among friends, family or colleagues. Therefore, when you need to show appreciation, pizza gifts are an excellent and easy way to say, “thank you” (our favorite phrase).

    Has your team completed a challenging project? Did the sales team meet a milestone? Do you need to thank a team of interns for their diligent work? Whatever you need to celebrate, pizza is a safe but perfect gesture of gratitude.


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  • Grocery Store Gift Certificates – Savings & Delights!

    Grocery gift certificates allow people to buy the summer treats they love


    Summer is in full swing, and it’s time to celebrate with exciting gatherings, mouthwatering barbecues and refreshing treats. If you’re looking for the perfect gift to show your appreciation this season, look no further than grocery gift certificates! With these versatile vouchers, you give the gift of choice, savings and convenience, ensuring your team enjoys a summer filled with delicious meals and fantastic deals.


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  • Mid-Year Engagement & Recognition Check-in

    Engagement and recognition plans

    A lot of strategic planning and budgeting happens at the end of the year, with certain elements deployed in January and February. Everyone enjoys buying their new year calendars when everything is fresh for a new start. However, many important plans, like those for employee engagement & recognition, need to be consistently reviewed. Here are some questions to ask yourself as a mid-year check-in to see if the right activities are happening and objectives are being met:

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  • Why Ice Cream Gift Certificates Are a Great Gift

    Ice cream makes a great summer gift.

    Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and enjoying the outdoors. It’s also a time when people are looking for ways to cool down and beat the heat. What better way to do that than with a delicious ice cream treat? What’s even better? An ice cream gift certificate

    Ice cream is a popular summer treat for a reason. It’s sweet, refreshing, and there are endless flavors to choose from. It’s also a great way to show employees that you appreciate their hard work.


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  • Be Enthusiastically Engaged!

    enthusiastically engaged resource for HR and engagement leaders


    A workplace requires employee engagement to thrive — or even survive. Increasingly more research supports the fact that people need to be positively engaged to perform their jobs, let alone enjoy them and stay with organizations. Retention is a critical topic in workforce management, and it requires attention and consistency. Post-COVID, when employees were quitting in droves, the theme was hot again — What IS employee engagement? But we’re here to make sure it doesn’t go dormant — complacency doesn’t work in talent management. The key is to lead as someone who is knowledgeable, excited about people-centric and leadership trends, and enthusiastically engaged.


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  • Corporate Gifts: A Guide to the Industry

    corporate gifts are a great way to say thank you

    Organizations spend a lot of time, money and effort each year researching, buying, hand-delivering and sending gifts to employees, clients, and other important stakeholders. Therefore, making it easy, effective and affordable is key…especially to small businesses that want to give but also need to watch their budget.

    When choosing a corporate gift company, it is important to consider the following factors:


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  • Tips for Corporate and Employee Gifting

    corporate giving and corporate incentives


    The practice of corporate gifting has a long and storied history. In fact, it can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, who would give gifts to their employees and clients as a way of showing appreciation and goodwill. In the early days of corporate America, gift-giving was largely limited to high-level executives and clients. However, as businesses grew and competition increased, the practice of corporate gifting began to spread to all levels of the workforce.

    Today, corporate gifting is used by businesses of all sizes to build relationships, show appreciation, and motivate employees.


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  • Coupons: The Gift of Saving Money!

    Coupons help people save money and are an appreciated gift.

    Finances are tight in a lot of households. When considering how to show your gratitude, think about what could really make an impact — and saving someone money is always an acceptable gesture! Coupons are a great way to show your appreciation to employees, clients, and others. They can be used to save money on a variety of products and services, and they can be a fun and unexpected gift.

    Coupons Work as Gifts for a Variety of Recipients

    Here are a few ideas for using coupons as gifts:

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  • The Importance of Checking In

    checking in can be as easy as a quick text


    In today’s fast-paced workplace, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day. So, how often do you take a moment to check in on colleagues and employees? Taking the time to check in with people can have a number of benefits for both individuals and organizations. The power of a text, brief email or even a quick phone call can make a tremendous difference.

    Research Supports the Power of Checking In

    There was an article in the New York Times, “Text Your Friends. It Matters More Than You Think.” It outlines research that states that “most of us underestimate the power of the casual check-in” and it got us thinking. We are firm advocates for small gestures – a thank you note, a social media shout-out, a favorite snack. A check-in can be a simple but powerful move.

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  • Manifest Happiness at Work

    Cat videos can make people happy at work

    Manifest Happiness at Work

    How does happiness manifest at work and what can business leaders do to increase it? Cat videos. You think we’re joking, but we may not be! Infusing happiness into the workplace IS your job — and it matters. What are you doing to bring joy to employees?

    In a recent video with Katie Couric and Dr. Laurie Santos, professor of psychology at Yale University and host of “The Happiness Lab” podcast, they discuss “how wellness influences consumer behavior, how it can be prioritized in the workplace, and why it matters to businesses and brands.”


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  • Mentors and Trainers are Teachers, Too!

    Mentors and trainers are teachers, too.

    Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up May 8 – May 12. It can be argued that teachers are the most hardworking group of people on the planet. We think they deserve to be celebrated all year long. Thank you, teachers! Be sure to send your kids to school with handwritten thank you notes. (Teachers love them!)

    Mentors and Trainers are Teachers, Too!

    As we honor the teachers who educate our children, we should also show gratitude for those who teach in the workplace. Trainers and mentors should be celebrated for their critical roles, too.

    According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), “Training is one specific and common form of employee development; other forms include coaching, mentoring, informal learning, self-directed learning, or experimental learning.”

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  • Celebrate the Work of Administrative Professionals

    Celebrate the work of Administrative Professionals
    Administrative Professionals Day is April 26.

    Administrative professionals play a vital role in the success of any organization. These key team members are at the heart of everything. Take the time to shower them with appreciation for all they do to keep the engine running.

    Administrative staff are responsible for a wide range of tasks, from managing schedules and calendars to handling customer service and providing support to employees. Without administrative professionals, businesses would not be able to function smoothly.

    Here are some ways to celebrate the work of administrative professionals:

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  • 7 Ways to Thank Employees Better

    Learn how to thank employees better!

    Follow these workplace Thank You tips for better communication and happier employees. (Photo via USACE, Flickr)

    Is your workplace Thank You inspired — or is it tired?
    It’s critical for managers and company leaders to thank employees for excellent performance, and do it effectively. Believe it or not, there is a wrong way to thank someone!
    You may be making all-too-common workplace Thank You mistakes and not even know it. Many Thank You “rules” we learn — like the “compliment sandwich” — are actually ineffective and send the wrong message.
    The way you share your workplace Thank You isn’t just good for employee engagement, happiness, motivation and productivity. It benefits the whole team, including you.

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  • Earth Day at Work

    Earth Day at work

    Earth Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the planet and take action to protect it. Whether or not sustainability is a core pillar of your business, sharing ways to care for the Earth is a wonderful message for employees.

    Celebrate Earth Day at work. Here are a few ideas:

    • Host an Earth Day event. This could be anything from a potluck lunch to a tree planting ceremony. Get your employees involved in planning and organizing the event, and make sure to promote it to the community.
    • Encourage employees to take public transportation or carpool to work. You can offer incentives, such as a free parking day or a gift card to a local business, for employees who choose to take alternative transportation.
    • (more…)

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  • The Benefits of Employee Recognition

    Even a fist bump and thank you count as employee recognition.


    At gThankYou, we are obviously strong advocates of employee recognition – we’ve built our business upon this principle! In building and maintaining a culture of gratitude, it’s important to recognize employees for their hard work, initiative and commitment. Recognition can positively impact many facets of the business and should be part of a leader’s responsibilities.

    In The Importance of Employee Recognition: Statistics and Research by Quantum Workplace, the article states, “When employees are rewarded for their contributions, they feel ownership and pride and are willing to work just as hard on their next project. Recognition connects them to the organization, elevates performance, and increases the likelihood they’ll stay.”

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  • Pets in the Workplace: Work Perk?

    There are pros and cons to having pets in the workplace


    It has become increasingly common to allow pets in the workplace, given the right environment and permission. Dogs, especially, can lighten the mood, relieve stress and offer a friendly face. In most cases, a cat will decline the invitation, but there are exceptions. However, a pet-friendly environment shouldn’t serve as an employer branding ploy – the policies need to be thoughtfully considered and respectful to everyone.

    Should pets be allowed in the workplace? Some Pros and Cons.

    Dog in glasses readingPros: (more…)

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How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.