Gratitude Activities, Quotes, and Letters: Fostering Appreciation in the Workplace

Discover a treasure trove of valuable content dedicated to workplace gratitude activities, quotes, and letters. Dive into engaging activities, insightful quotes, and heartfelt letters that will inspire and uplift your team. In other words, this category offers a wealth of resources to help you cultivate a culture of appreciation, boost morale, and foster a positive work environment. From practical gratitude activities to powerful quotes that resonate with the human spirit, you’ll find everything you need to embrace the transformative power of gratitude. Explore case studies, learn from TED Talks, and unlock the secrets of effective workplace gratitude. So, get ready to embark on a journey of inspiration and gratitude.

Embrace the Power of Gratitude: Ending the Year on a High Note

Finish the year strong by infusing gratitude into every aspect of your workplace. Discover practical ways to express appreciation, show gratitude to trusted advisors, and include appreciation gifts and events in your plans.

Inspiring Talks and Timeless Quotes: Unleash the Potential of Workplace Gratitude

Immerse yourself in the wisdom of TED Talks that celebrate gratitude in the workplace. Moreover, explore a collection of thought-provoking quotes that highlight the profound impact of gratitude on resilience, relationships, and happiness.

Real-Life Success Stories: Unveiling the Magic of Workplace Gratitude

Uncover inspiring case studies that showcase the transformative power of gratitude in action. That is to say, learn from organizations that have harnessed the potential of gThankYou Gift Certificates to foster gratitude and appreciation among their employees.

Reclaim the Joy of the Holidays: Embrace Gratitude in Every Season

Rediscover the true meaning of the holiday season by infusing it with gratitude. Explore how gratitude can shift perspectives, nurture happiness, and foster a culture of appreciation that extends far beyond the holiday festivities.

Engaging Activities: Building a Culture of Gratitude in the Workplace

Embark on a journey of gratitude with practical activities designed to cultivate a kinder and more purposeful workplace culture. Subsequently, discover the art of employee rewards and recognition, and unlock the potential of gratitude to drive employee engagement and satisfaction.

Delve into a rich array of resources dedicated to workplace gratitude activities, quotes, and letters. Above all, explore the transformative power of gratitude and learn how to foster a culture of appreciation in your workplace. Discover practical strategies, insightful talks, and the magic of gratitude in action. Reclaim the joy of the holidays, build a culture of gratitude, and unlock the potential of employee rewards and recognition. Let this category be your guide to cultivating gratitude and unlocking the full potential of your team.

  • 11 Positive Workplace Quotes for Inspired Employees

    Positive Workplace Quotes and notes are a great idea



    Gratitude quotes, gratitude notes, gratitude goats? Sure, we’ll take ’em all! Is the concept of sharing gratitude regularly embraced in your organization? Sometimes it just takes a moment to remember how much a statement or action of gratitude can make an incredible difference in someone’s day — and overall experience in the workplace. At gThankYou, we are proponents of finding everyday ways to express appreciation.

    We’ve gathered up 11 positive workplace quotes that may serve as a timely reminder to share thanks with those around you. Let these positive workplace quotes help inspire an everyday culture of workplace gratitude among your leaders, teams, volunteers, partners, and other stakeholders.

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  • Excellent TED Talks on Building Workplace Gratitude

    TED Talks offer insights into leadership and workplace gratitude

    Building a culture of workplace gratitude could be the best thing you ever do for your business. In fact, author and speaker Toni Powell calls gratitude at work the key to success in “Why Gratitude in the Workplace?

    “Gratitude has the rather extraordinary power to change just about every aspect of life—in very surprising ways.”

    When you practice workplace gratitude, you transform relationships, minimize complaints, and see satisfaction levels skyrocket. The effect is profound and long-lasting, Powell says, because gratitude rewires the brain to see and process the world differently.


    • Increases resilience.
    • Reduces stress.
    • Facilitates positive relationships.
    • Makes people happier.


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  • Finish the Year Strong with Gratitude

    Finish the year strong!

    It’s not too late to finish the year strong with gratitude!

    Year-end can mean different things to people, depending on industry, role, personality type … and a million other factors! We hope you are thoroughly enjoying the holiday season with your friends, family and employees. Here are a few suggestions to finish the year strong as a leader who understands that appreciation is the greatest gift.

    5 Ways to Finish the Year Strong:

    Say THANK YOU to everyone you can. From your trusted advisors to the delivery folks to the administrative teams who make your world work. Who can you thank today? (more…)

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  • 5 Ways to Take Back the Holidays

    Thanksgiving Family Picture

    The craziness of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday, make it easy to lose the joy and spirit of the holidays. Feeling tired and stressed with the holidays looming ahead? You are not alone. Your colleagues likely feel this way too. Take back the holidays – with gratitude!

    Read Full Post

How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.