Workplace Week and Month Holidays: Celebrate the Contributions and Appreciation

Discover the significance of celebrating Workplace Week and Month Celebrations and how they provide opportunities to recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication of employees from various professions. From Teacher Appreciation Week to National Thank You Month, National Nurses Week, Random Acts of Kindness Week, Employee Health and Fitness Month, and more, these extended holidays allow organizations to show gratitude and foster a positive work culture. Explore creative ways to celebrate and honor professionals in diverse careers, such as teachers, nurses, and those who contribute to workplace wellness. As a result, by embracing these holidays, you can create a supportive and appreciative work environment.

Mentors and Trainers: Recognizing Their Impact as Teachers

As we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, it’s essential to extend our gratitude to mentors and trainers in the workplace. These individuals play critical roles in imparting knowledge and guiding employees’ professional development. Therefore, recognize their contributions and celebrate their dedication to employee growth and learning.

National Thank You Month: Embracing Workplace Gratitude

January is National Thank You Month, providing an opportunity to nurture gratitude and kindness in the workplace. Embrace this month-long celebration by cultivating a culture of appreciation. Explore various ways to express gratitude, both individually and as a team, setting the stage for a year full of thankful habits.

National Nurses Week: Honoring Healthcare Professionals

National Nurses Week is dedicated to recognizing the contributions of nurses and healthcare professionals. Show your appreciation for their compassion, expertise, and commitment to patient care. Plan celebrations and activities to honor their vital role in healthcare organizations and the community.

Workplace Kindness: Embracing Random Acts of Kindness Week

Random Acts of Kindness Week presents an excellent opportunity to focus on workplace kindness. Explore ways to engage in acts of kindness that create a ripple effect of positivity within the workplace. Foster a culture of kindness, not just during this designated week, but throughout the year.

Employee Health and Fitness Month: Prioritizing Workplace Wellness

May is Employee Health and Fitness Month, a time to revitalize workplace wellness goals. Dedicate this month to promoting employee health and well-being through fitness challenges, wellness initiatives, and educational activities. By prioritizing employee health, you create a supportive environment that values their overall well-being.

Celebrate Workplace Week and Month Celebrations by recognizing professionals across various fields and fostering a culture of appreciation and gratitude. Honor the contributions of mentors, trainers, teachers, nurses, and individuals dedicated to workplace wellness. Embrace extended holidays as opportunities to create a positive work environment that values employee well-being and personal growth.

  • Teacher Appreciation: The Importance of Expressing Gratitude

    It's teacher appreciation week!

    Teacher Appreciation Week
    is the first week of May, and we’re here to help everyone yell, “THANK YOU” from the rooftops! (But get down quickly before a teacher catches you.)

    There are more than 4 million public and private school teachers in the U.S. Of course, that number multiplies when you expand into higher education and into the world of training, development, mentors, and other roles. It’s generally agreed upon that teachers are amazing people who are underpaid and underappreciated. YOU can make a difference in how teachers feel – this week and year-round.

    According to and

    • The average teacher impacts more than 3,000 students throughout their career.
    • 83% of students credit teachers with improving their confidence and self-esteem.
    • 87% of people wish they had expressed more appreciation to their teachers.
    • 88% of individuals acknowledge that teachers played a significant positive role in their lives.
    • 79% of students have been encouraged to follow their dreams by a teacher.
    • 54% of students have had a teacher who helped them through difficult times.
    • 75% of students view teachers as mentors and role models.

    “The job of an educator is to teach students to see vitality in themselves.”
    – Joseph Campbell

    How to Say Thank You to Teachers

    Expressing gratitude to teachers is essential, as they play a pivotal role in shaping our lives and futures. Here are some heartfelt ways to thank teachers year-round:

    A Sincere Thank You Note: Write a heartfelt thank-you note expressing your appreciation for their dedication, guidance, and impact. Whether it’s a handwritten letter or an email, your words will mean a lot to them.

    Personalized Gifts: Consider giving a small gift that reflects a teacher’s interests or something related to their subject. It could be a book, a grocery gift certificate, or even thoughtful classroom supplies.

    Public Recognition: During Teacher Appreciation Week or other school events, publicly acknowledge teachers’ hard work. Share positive stories about teachers in your organization, make a donation to a local school, or find other ways to share your gratitude for this important profession.

    Volunteer Your Time: Offer to help in a classroom, assisting with tasks, organizing materials, or assisting during events. Teachers often appreciate extra hands.

    Remember Special Occasions: Celebrate teachers’ birthdays, Teacher Appreciation Week, or other milestones. A small token of appreciation on these occasions goes a long way.

    Spread Positivity: Share positive stories about how teachers are making a difference in your organization or community. Word of mouth can create a ripple effect of appreciation.

    Additional Ways to Celebrate

    Teachers of Tomorrow offers some wonderful ideas for how to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. Here are some of our favorite ideas from their list:

    • Organize a Lunch for Teachers
    • Gift Cards (Gift Certificates)
    • Refill Classroom Supplies
    • Create a Thank You Book
    • Put Together a Gift Box
    • Create a Staff Spotify List
    • Plant Trees in a Teacher’s Name
    • Present Certificates of Appreciation for Teachers

    Whether you lead a district, partner with schools, or simply respect the world of teachers, there are many ways to show appreciation to these people who shape the future of our world.

    Learn More About gThankYou Certificates of Gratitude:

    Top Photo by ThisisEngineering on Unsplash

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  • Nurse Appreciation: Ideas for Nurse Week

    Nurse Appreciation Week


    Nurse appreciation is the focus of National Nurses Week, which begins May 6. Be sure to plan your Nurses Week celebrations now so you can adequately thank the fabulous nurses you know or employ!

    Nurses remain the most trusted profession, with 78% of U.S. adults currently believing nurses have high honesty and ethical standards, according to Gallup’s 2023 Honesty and Ethics poll.  In addition to being trusted, nurses are universally respected due to their deep knowledge, kindness, and overall care for people. Anyone who has needed healthcare in any capacity is likely to underscore that nurses are truly the heartbeat of medicine.


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  • February Focus: Workplace Kindness

    February is a great time to focus on workplace kindness


    Acts of kindness are one of the most powerful ways we have to connect with others.

    February is the perfect month to share workplace kindness – with Random Acts of Kindness Day (17th) and Week (February 11-17), and Valentine’s Day! Take advantage of these dates and inspire kindness in your workplace.

    Planting seeds of kindness yields improved moods and productivity. Better yet, it’s contagious. Share a little kindness and see how it ripples through your office.

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  • Mentors and Trainers are Teachers, Too!

    Mentors and trainers are teachers, too.

    Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up May 8 – May 12. It can be argued that teachers are the most hardworking group of people on the planet. We think they deserve to be celebrated all year long. Thank you, teachers! Be sure to send your kids to school with handwritten thank you notes. (Teachers love them!)

    Mentors and Trainers are Teachers, Too!

    As we honor the teachers who educate our children, we should also show gratitude for those who teach in the workplace. Trainers and mentors should be celebrated for their critical roles, too.

    According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), “Training is one specific and common form of employee development; other forms include coaching, mentoring, informal learning, self-directed learning, or experimental learning.”

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  • 5 Ways to Celebrate National Thank You Month

    National Thank You Month

    Did You Know that January is National Thank You Month?

    The holidays are an excellent time to give and receive, but January is the time to slow down and say THANK YOU! January is National Thank You Month and is the perfect time to invest in new activities to nurture gratitude and kindness in the coming year.

    We’d like to revisit 5 ways to embrace gratitude in life and the workplace, setting the stage for a year full of thankful habits.

    5 Ways to Embrace Workplace Gratitude Now


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How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.