Unlock the Power of Workplace Compliments and Thank You Notes

Discover the impact of workplace compliments and thank you notes in fostering employee engagement, motivation, and a positive work culture. Explore effective strategies to express gratitude genuinely and avoid common Thank You mistakes that may undermine your intentions.

Thank Employees Better: Enhancing Engagement and Motivation

Learn how to thank employees effectively and meaningfully to enhance engagement, motivation, and productivity. Discover the right way to express gratitude, avoiding common Thank You mistakes that send the wrong message. Embrace the power of workplace compliments to create a positive work environment for the whole team.

Put the “Thanks” in Thanksgiving Letter: Personalize Your Appreciation

Take advantage of the holiday season to write a heartfelt thank you letter to employees, expressing your appreciation for their contributions. In other words, explore the art of writing a Thanksgiving letter and learn how to make it personal, meaningful, and impactful. Discover the value of gratitude in recognizing employees as individuals and fostering a culture of appreciation.

Share Gratitude with Thanksgiving Letter: Conveying Care and Appreciation

During challenging times, it’s crucial to share your gratitude with employees. Explore the significance of writing a memorable Thanksgiving letter to employees and showcasing how much you care. In addition, learn how expressing appreciation boosts morale, engagement, and loyalty. Discover tips and inspiration to craft a genuine Thanksgiving message that resonates with your employees.

Make Every Day “Say Something Nice Day”: Cultivating a Culture of Appreciation

Spread workplace gratitude and positivity by incorporating daily compliments and appreciation. Explore the power of saying something nice to employees every day, creating a culture of appreciation and motivation. Learn how regular verbal recognition and praise positively impact employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

Benefits of Starting a Thank You Note Habit: Motivation Beyond Monetary Rewards

Discover the seven benefits of cultivating an employee thank you note habit. Explore how thoughtful thank you notes motivate employees more than monetary rewards or promotions. Learn why a boss’s appreciation is crucial for attracting and retaining talent. Embrace the transformative power of gratitude in the workplace.
In conclusion, unlock the full potential of workplace compliments and thank you notes to enhance employee engagement, motivation, and overall workplace culture. Above all, whether you’re refining your thank you strategies, writing a Thanksgiving letter, or fostering a culture of appreciation, implementing these insights and tips will help you create a positive and grateful work environment.

  • 6 Easy Employee Thank You Ideas

    Everyday Employee Thank You Ideas


    Any time is a good time to say thank you to employees! Team members who feel valued, appreciated, and overtly recognized will be happier and more productive. But are you drawing a blank on where to start?  We can help! Here are employee thank you ideas that anyone can do – anytime!


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  • 7 Benefits of Starting a Thank You Note Habit

    Start a thank you note habit today!


    According to the New York Times article, “Do Thank-You Notes Still Matter?”, the author states, “The thank-you note may seem to be an archaic holdover from a time of Rolodexes and rotary phones. But etiquette experts and social observers argue that a handwritten expression of gratitude has never been more important. It can even be a gift itself.”

    The article goes on to say, “And while an emailed thanks is a nice gesture, many experts say that, in this virtual age, a traditional, physical note is more powerful than ever.”

    One of the best ways to say thank you is with a handwritten note. It’s a classic, meaningful way to show appreciation and motivate employees with a keepsake of your gratitude. Start your own thank you note habit and share the benefits with your team for a shift in workplace culture.


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  • The Secret to Motivating Teams: Say Thank You!

    Motivating teams with a "thank you."

    Motivating teams couldn’t be simpler — just thank your employees for their efforts and they’ll feel more valued. When employees know you’re grateful for their efforts, they work harder, and productivity improves. It’s remarkably easy but it takes a little bit of effort and consistency.

    It’s important to thank your employees for accomplishments both large and small. Besides, when you feel and express gratitude, it lifts your spirits too! In fact, a Harvard Business Review study found that 95% of employees agree that a grateful boss is more likely to be successful. This suggests that expressing gratitude is not just beneficial for employees, but also for leaders themselves.


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  • Share Gratitude with a Thanksgiving Letter

    Thanksgiving letters are a wonderful way to show employee appreciation.


    It’s that time again to put pen to paper and consider writing appreciation letters from “boss to employee”. Sound old school? It is! At gThankYou, we are believers that some traditions are worth holding onto, and the Thanksgiving letter is well worth the effort.

    What’s a Thanksgiving letter to employees?

    Thanksgiving letters express true gratitude to the people who make your business work every day. The best letters have a heartfelt tone and offer specific examples of why the organization and leadership are grateful for the individuals who show up, do the work, bring innovation, stretch the boundaries, and keep the lights on. No matter the size of the organization, there should be a leader who can take the time to write a personal “Thank you” to their teams.


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  • 7 Ways to Thank Employees Better

    Learn how to thank employees better!

    Follow these workplace Thank You tips for better communication and happier employees. (Photo via USACE, Flickr)

    Is your workplace Thank You inspired — or is it tired?
    It’s critical for managers and company leaders to thank employees for excellent performance, and do it effectively. Believe it or not, there is a wrong way to thank someone!
    You may be making all-too-common workplace Thank You mistakes and not even know it. Many Thank You “rules” we learn — like the “compliment sandwich” — are actually ineffective and send the wrong message.
    The way you share your workplace Thank You isn’t just good for employee engagement, happiness, motivation and productivity. It benefits the whole team, including you.

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  • Put the “Thanks” into Your Thanksgiving Letter

    Thank you messages

    Thanksgiving is coming quickly, and it is the perfect time to write a thank you letter to employees and share your heartfelt appreciation for all they do for you and your business.

    If you are new to writing business thank you notes or need a little inspiration, gThankYou’s eBook “Put the ‘Thanks’ in Thanksgiving: How to Write a Thanksgiving Letter to Employees” is here to guide and inspire you.How to write a Thanksgiving letter

    Thanking employees any time of the year is one of the best ways to engage employees and motivate them to do excellent work. But at Thanksgiving, your thanks takes on added meaning. Gratitude at Thanksgiving is more personal; it lets your employees know you value them as people. You’re honoring the all-American holiday when we celebrate and share our gratitude with family and friends.

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  • 6 Tips for Writing Meaningful Holiday Thank You Notes

    6 tips for holiday thank you notes

    Your organization flourishes and grows thanks to the commitment, creativity, and hard work of loyal team members. But how often is that communicated to employees? Even if it seems overtly simple, it’s worthwhile to write holiday thank you notes. Studies shows that people work harder, work smarter, and stick around longer when they feel appreciated.


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  • Make Every Day “Say Something Nice Day” at Work

    Celebrate "Say Something Nice Day" this June 1st.Find Nice Things to Say to Employees — It’s Worth It

    No surprise we love the idea of “Say Something Nice Day,” which is coming up next Friday, June 1. But there’s one surefire way to improve on it in your workplace: Find nice things to say to employees every day — and use Say Something Nice Day as an annual reminder to recommit to that goal.
    Research has found that workplaces cultures improve when managers take the time to look for nice things to say to employees. One Gallup study reported that regular verbal recognition and praise results in employees who are: (more…)

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How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.