Welcome to our ultimate guide on workplace Halloween celebrations!

Halloween is one of America’s favorite holidays, with 69% of consumers planning to celebrate it this year. It’s the perfect opportunity to bring your workplace together for a fun-filled holiday celebration that fosters team spirit and employee engagement.

Halloween Team Building Guide

Download our “Halloween Team Building Guide” to access a one-page PDF filled with 20 time-tested exercises, games, and activities for Halloween team building. These ideas will help you engage your staff in a meaningful celebration, encouraging collaboration and boosting morale.

Don’t Be Scared to Host Halloween Parties

Last year, workplace Halloween festivities successfully took place virtually, proving that fun can transcend physical boundaries. Whether your workplace is fully in-person, hybrid, or remote, Halloween can still be celebrated. From elaborate decorations and cutthroat costume contests to virtual parties and candy treats, there are endless options for Halloween fun at work.

Easy Ideas for Halloween Team Building

Carving pumpkins, organizing costume parades, or planning trick-or-treating events are fantastic opportunities for Halloween team building. Engage employees in activities that promote creativity, collaboration, and connection. Halloween is a participatory holiday that encourages people to get involved and bond with one another.

Halloween Employee Engagement Ideas

In addition, this wonderful holiday offers a unique chance to foster employee engagement and workplace camaraderie. It’s a popular holiday that people enjoy, and its participatory nature promotes interaction and creativity. Embrace the Halloween spirit by organizing activities, such as pumpkin carving, costume contests, and themed treats, that will enhance employee satisfaction and create a positive work environment.

Workplace Fun and Recognition on Halloween

Now, while Halloween is synonymous with fun, it’s essential not to forget the power of recognizing and thanking employees. Workplace celebrations are an expression of gratitude that boosts employee engagement and loyalty. Incorporate fun activities into your Halloween celebration while showing appreciation for your employees’ hard work and dedication.

Remember, workplace Halloween celebrations provide numerous benefits, such as fostering team unity, sparking creativity, relieving stress, and enhancing employee engagement. Plan ahead, embrace the Halloween spirit, and create a memorable and enjoyable experience for your employees.

  • Give a Candy Gift – It’s Never Too Late

    Candy is a great gift all year long


    It’s Always Time for a Delicious Treat So Give A Candy Gift!

    We hope you had a Happy Halloween and have a little extra pep in your step today with a pocketful of candy! Overall Halloween spending was predicted to be over $12.2 Billion in 2023, up 15% over last year. What does that say? PEOPLE LOVE CANDY! This is your friendly reminder that candy is a welcome treat all year long! It’s never too late to order up some candy gift certificates for your employees, partners, neighbors, clients and other stakeholders.


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  • Spark Creativity with Halloween Office Celebrations

    Halloween cookies with eyes

    Halloween is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to bring the spirit of this festive holiday into the office. Embracing Halloween in the workplace brings excitement to the daily routine and creates a sense of camaraderie among colleagues. Check out these ideas for making your Halloween office celebration a memorable experience.

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  • Summon Workplace Spirit with These Halloween Contest Ideas

    Halloween in the office


    Are you looking for exciting Halloween contest ideas to liven up your workplace? There is still time to plan ahead and give your team tools to help them unleash creativity, foster teambuilding, and create a memorable experience.

    With a record 179 million Americans expected to celebrate Halloween this year, you can take the lead by offering ideas like asking employees to submit creative Halloween themes for work and plan an event with that theme. Provide Halloween costume ideas for everyone in the office. Throw an office costume contest and your employees can enjoy festive energy and positive team dynamics.


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  • 20 Ideas for Workplace Halloween Team Building

    Halloween treats

    Photo by sheri silver on Unsplash

    Halloween is one of America’s favorite holidays.

    According to the National Retail Federation, 69% of consumers plan to celebrate Halloween this year. People love getting into costume, putting up scary decorations, and sharing their favorite treats. With interest like this, Halloween is the perfect opportunity to bring your workplace together for a holiday celebration.

    Download gThankYou’s “Halloween Team Building Guide” — a one-page PDF that highlights 20 time-tested exercises, games and activities for Halloween team building to help you engage your staff in a meaningful celebration. (more…)

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  • Don’t Be Scared to Host Halloween Parties

    Halloween festivities start with decorations!

    Photo credit: Bee Felten-Leidel, Unsplash

    Last year, workplace Halloween festivities took place virtually. Despite the distance — and perhaps the initial awkwardness of dressing up for a Zoom party — events everywhere were successful! Halloween is a favorite holiday for many, offering an opportunity to tap into creativity and kid-like behaviors (candy binge, anyone?). In our current environment, everyone appreciates a chance to relax and have fun at work.

    In this new world of work, Halloween may continue to be a hybrid event. Some workplaces will resume all-things-Halloween, with elaborate decorations, cutthroat costume contests and sugar-laden parties. Others are still remote, but with full intentions of celebrating. Either way, the options to have Halloween fun are endless.

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How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.