Explore the importance of celebrating teams and organizational values

Discover the power of workplace culture, kindness, and values, navigating new ways of working, embracing random acts of kindness and gratitude, promoting social distancing kindness, and fostering workplace community through giving and shared experiences. Learn how these aspects contribute to employee happiness, engagement, and overall success in the modern workplace.

Celebrating Teams and Organizational Values

Understand the significance of celebrating teams and organizational values in fostering a positive work environment. Discover creative ways to incorporate appreciation, connection, and shared joy into your workplace culture. From welcoming new employees with a memorable first impression to organizing team-building activities and recognizing achievements, find inspiration to create a culture that values teamwork and upholds organizational values.

Navigating New Ways of Working

Explore the challenges and opportunities presented by new ways of working, including remote and hybrid work models. Learn strategies to ensure equal attention and appreciation for all employees, regardless of their location. Embrace technology to facilitate communication and collaboration, establish clear expectations, and provide support to remote workers. Adapt your leadership style and embrace flexibility to navigate the evolving work landscape successfully.

Random Acts of Kindness and Gratitude

Embrace the power of random acts of kindness and gratitude in the workplace. Discover the origins of this movement and learn how small gestures can have a lasting impact on employee morale and well-being. Encourage acts of kindness such as showing appreciation, offering help, or providing support to colleagues. Foster a culture of gratitude through regular expressions of thanks, recognition programs, and encouraging positive interactions among team members.

Share Socially Distanced Kindness

Explore the importance of kindness during the month of February and beyond. Discover ways to show compassion, appreciation, and kindness to colleagues, promoting a positive work environment and strengthening relationships. From organizing virtual team-building activities to creating opportunities for virtual volunteering or supporting colleagues’ personal well-being, find practical ideas to promote kindness and connection while respecting social distancing measures.

Cultivating Workplace Community Through Giving and Shared Experiences

Understand the value of workplace community and the benefits of volunteering and giving back as a team. Learn how shared experiences and acts of giving can foster employee engagement, happiness, and a sense of belonging. Encourage team members to participate in community service projects, organize charitable initiatives, or engage in team-building activities that promote collaboration and a sense of purpose. Foster a culture of generosity and create opportunities for employees to connect through shared experiences.

Unlock the potential of workplace culture, kindness, and values to create a thriving and positive work environment. Celebrate teams and organizational values, navigate new ways of working, embrace random acts of kindness and gratitude, promote social distancing kindness, and foster workplace community through giving and shared experiences. Discover how these aspects contribute to employee happiness, engagement, and overall success. Learn practical strategies and gain inspiration to create a workplace culture that prioritizes kindness, values, and a sense of community.

  • Turn “Sorry” into “Thank You”

    Turn I'm sorry into thank you.

    It’s one small word that may be holding your team back from building a stronger culture of workplace gratitude. Apologies have their place, but people often say “sorry” when “thank you” would be better. How often do you find yourself apologizing when it’s possible to be reworded into a more positive message?

    Think of it this way… If you had to choose to be surrounded by an abundance of genuine “thank you” messages among colleagues or a lot of people saying, “sorry” all the time, what would you prefer? (We think we know the answer.) However, it takes a little bit of awareness and effort to rewire our tendencies.


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  • Begin the Year Strong with Gratitude

    Start the year with gratitude

    As the new year kicks off, it’s a wonderful opportunity to assess what employees achieved and overcame during 2023. Organizations everywhere have worked hard to reassess priorities and make significant changes after the pandemic-related pandemonium.

    At gThankYou, we are advocates for weaving gratitude through the entire year. Stay tuned for our 2024 calendar, which provides a variety of ways to illustrate appreciation every month of the year. In the meantime, let’s take this opportunity to start the year on a high note. Here are some applicable tips to help foster a sense of appreciation in the next few weeks.


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  • Back to School: Appreciate Your Friendly Custodian

    Back to school - thank a custodian!

    As we head back to school, it’s a good time to take a moment to appreciate the hard work of custodial staff who keep our schools clean and safe. These essential workers often go unnoticed, but their contributions are vital to the success of our schools.

    National Custodian Day is officially October 2, but why wait?

    Kick off the school year with an abundance of gratitude for those who helped clean up and get our schools ready for staff and students. Hang a giant custodian thank you card and hang it up for everyone to sign and set the tone for everyone who enters the building.

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  • 15 Quotes for a Workplace Culture of Gratitude

    gratitude rocks the workplace

    Motivational posters may be a little outdated, but sharing positivity in the workplace never gets old. Whether it’s simply sharing a quote to conclude a meeting or a classy sign in a conference room, there are many famous — and not so famous — quotes that can impact how employees feel about the culture of an organization. We’ve pulled together 15 quotes for a workplace culture of gratitude that may inspire or encourage you and your teams.

    The most important application is for leaders to model an attitude of gratitude, taking the time and effort to thank and acknowledge what deserves praise. Flippant usage of “thanks” isn’t the goal … it’s providing a positive space to allow people to acknowledge and support each other.

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  • Celebrating Teams and Organizational Values

    Spikeball Players Celebrating Teams

    Photo by Spikeball on Unsplash

    When leaders understand the importance of celebrating teams and organizational values, important messages resonate beyond an “event.” There are many opportunities to bring people together to underscore that your business is about people and values, not just work and the bottom line.

    We’re in a time of heightened pressure to recruit and retain happy, committed employees and this big-picture thinking is critical. Here are a wide variety of ways you can incorporate “celebrating teams and organizational values” into your workplace. We hope this sparks inspiration for gifts of connection, belonging and shared joy.

    Give the Gift of Connection

    • Welcome new employees with a memorable first impression. Schedule coffee or lunch with the head of the company on their first day at work.
    • (more…)

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  • How to Navigate New Ways of Working

    navigating the new world of work

    Photo by Ali Bakhtiari on Unsplash

    NEWS ALERT: The work world has shifted. Priorities have changed, hybrid and remote working has become status quo, and flexibility is key. Collectively, we are figuring out how to navigate new ways of working.

    What’s really keeping HR people up at night is how to RETAIN talented and hardworking staff. If we thought retention was important before, we have a tighter grip now. But what is the secret sauce to keeping employees happy, healthy and gainfully employed by you? Appreciation and recognition go a long way. Here are some ways to navigate new ways of working:

    Pay attention equally to employees regardless of their location.

    With a shift to remote and hybrid workplaces, it is important to “spread the love” to those who may be working elsewhere. “Out of sight, out of mind” is the wrong approach. Be sure to show appreciation equally for people across town or the globe. (more…)

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  • Randoms Acts of Kindness and Gratitude

    Photo by Adam Nemeroff on Unsplash - Sign that says be kind with a heart

    We honor Random Acts of Kindness Week every February (Feb. 13-19 this year) to celebrate small acts of goodwill. We all know that every day is a good day to build workplace gratitude through kindness. But how often do you think about random acts of kindness? How often do you actually do it? It’s a great reminder that little gestures go a long way.

    Where Did Random Acts of Kindness Begin?

    The phrase “random acts of kindness,” is believed to have been coined by the writer Anne Herbert in the early 1980s. Apparently, she scribbled on a restaurant placemat, “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” The phrase uses language of war (“senseless acts of violence”) in a call for the opposite.

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  • The Power of Workplace Gratitude

    workplace Gratitude

    Gratitude in our personal and professional lives is a trending topic these days, but when we first introduced our popular ebook, Transforming Your Workplace With Gratitude, in 2013 we were in the vanguard of the workplace gratitude movement as it relates to company culture and employee engagement.

    Sharing new information related to this fascinating topic through our publications and blog has long been a priority. In the face of the worldwide pandemic, gratitude is again a popular topic. Be sure to check out our other posts on gratitude in the category, “Workplace Gratitude, Culture, Well-being”.Download your free copy and harness the power of workplace gratitude!Since its introduction, our eBook on workplace gratitude has been a helpful guide for companies, large and small, as they learned to embrace an attitude of gratitude.  Over the last five years, research has underscored the power of gratitude in our lives.

    This growing body of research demonstrates that companies that make an effort to appreciate employees are among the most successful, most innovative companies in the world and have the highest rates of employee satisfaction and retention.


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How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.