Unlock the Power of Workplace Gratitude: Welcome to a Culture of Appreciation

Step into the world of exceptional workplace culture, where gratitude, appreciation, and recognition are highly valued and joyously celebrated. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey as we introduce you to our dedicated and inspiring Gratitude in the Workplace blog. Our unwavering mission is to guide you in creating a positive work environment that not only ignites passion but also fosters engagement and drives unprecedented success.

Effortless Navigation: Relevant Categories for Empowering Workplace Culture

Experience seamless navigation as you explore our diverse categories designed to empower your workplace culture. Discover practical insights in Workplace Gifts, where thoughtful gestures and appreciation take center stage. Furthermore, delve into Employee Engagement, Appreciation, and Recognition to enhance connection and satisfaction within your team. Finally, immerse yourself in Celebrations of Gratitude at Work, where you’ll find inspiration for meaningful events, team-building activities, and heartfelt expressions of appreciation.

Workplace Gift Ideas and Where to Buy Them

Uncover a treasure trove of workplace gift ideas that will delight and inspire your employees. From personalized tokens of gratitude to innovative recognition programs, find the perfect gifts that convey your heartfelt appreciation. Moreover, we’ll guide you on where to buy these exceptional gifts, ensuring convenience and quality.

Employee Engagement, Appreciation, and Recognition

Boost employee engagement by fostering a culture of appreciation and recognition. Discover effective strategies to cultivate open communication, strengthen teamwork, and create a supportive work environment. Empower your employees to thrive and contribute their best, resulting in enhanced job satisfaction and overall organizational success.

Celebrations of Gratitude at Work

Infuse your workplace with a spirit of gratitude that transcends holidays and special occasions. Learn about unique and meaningful celebrations to honor your employees and strengthen their bond. From creative team-building activities to heartfelt appreciation initiatives, create an environment where gratitude thrives year-round.

Empowering Leaders: Unleash Your Potential to Create Extraordinary Workplaces

At the core of our remarkable blog resides a passionate team of expert writers and culture enthusiasts. Collectively, we empower you to become an exceptional leader. With practical tips, invaluable guidance, and comprehensive resources, you can build a gratitude-filled company culture that resonates with your employees.

Embark on an exciting journey to unlock the power of workplace gratitude. Our blog serves as your beacon of information and resources, meticulously tailored to meet your unique needs. Together, let us create a profoundly positive work environment that drives success and nurtures well-being. By engaging with our content, you will gain valuable insights and practical strategies to implement transformative practices. So take that crucial first step today and unlock the potential of gratitude in your workplace. Prepare to inspire, motivate, and cultivate a culture of appreciation like never before.

  • 8 Easy Ways to Thank Employees for 4th of July

    4th of July at work

    Some of the most effective, easy ways to thank employees can be done on the fly, or with just a few days’ notice – just remember to keep the message of gratitude in mind! You have your chance coming up with a holiday that’s easy to celebrate in the workplace: the 4th of July.

    Independence Day has themes that bring people together — patriotism, community, family — plus it has traditions everyone loves: fireworks and sparklers, parades, neighborhood barbecues and events for kids. (more…)

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  • 10 Ways to Make Summertime at Work Special

    juicy piece of watermelon

    Photo by Juja Han on Unsplash

    Everyone loves this time of year — wrapping up school, planting flowers, planning summer trips and simply enjoying the outdoors. The last few summers weren’t as carefree, so we want to help YOU make summertime at work FUN again! Here are some creative ideas from our 2022 Day-to-Day Employee Celebration Calendar to help.

    Top 10 Ways to Make Summertime at Work Special Again:

    • Celebrate LGBTQ+ Month with free flags and T-shirts for employees.Ice cream treat
    • Host an ice cream or food truck once a week.
    • Present employees with a summer-themed gratitude journal.
    • Host a family day at a local park with food, games, and music.
    • Rent out a public pool or amusement park.
    • Organize a few morning walks with leadership — exercise AND good one-on-one time.
    • Have a summer reading program with incentives at the end of the summer. Remember that? Everyone loves to read for a personal pizza! Bonus points for books on business, leadership, and personal development.
    • (more…)

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  • Time for Easter Employee Appreciation

    Bright white plate with ceramic bunny and Easter treats

    Photo by Melissa Walker Horn, Unsplash

    It’s almost spring and Easter will be here soon! Now’s the time to start your Easter employee appreciation planning.

    Why thank employees at Easter?
    Besides being a widely celebrated family occasion, it’s a springtime holiday with cultural, non-religious traditions that appeal to everyone.

    Easter employee appreciation is a great idea, regardless of employee religious affiliation, because it generally marks the beginning of spring and the sense of renewal and gratitude that accompany the new season.
    And, as is often the case, Easter coincides with Passover.

    In a diverse workplace where the majority of employees may not be Christian, focus on the secular aspects of Easter. Put employee accomplishments and community first!

    Read on for five reasons to include Easter employee appreciation in your spring planning this year.

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  • How to Navigate New Ways of Working

    navigating the new world of work

    Photo by Ali Bakhtiari on Unsplash

    NEWS ALERT: The work world has shifted. Priorities have changed, hybrid and remote working has become status quo, and flexibility is key. Collectively, we are figuring out how to navigate new ways of working.

    What’s really keeping HR people up at night is how to RETAIN talented and hardworking staff. If we thought retention was important before, we have a tighter grip now. But what is the secret sauce to keeping employees happy, healthy and gainfully employed by you? Appreciation and recognition go a long way. Here are some ways to navigate new ways of working:

    Pay attention equally to employees regardless of their location.

    With a shift to remote and hybrid workplaces, it is important to “spread the love” to those who may be working elsewhere. “Out of sight, out of mind” is the wrong approach. Be sure to show appreciation equally for people across town or the globe. (more…)

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  • Randoms Acts of Kindness and Gratitude

    Photo by Adam Nemeroff on Unsplash - Sign that says be kind with a heart

    We honor Random Acts of Kindness Week every February (Feb. 13-19 this year) to celebrate small acts of goodwill. We all know that every day is a good day to build workplace gratitude through kindness. But how often do you think about random acts of kindness? How often do you actually do it? It’s a great reminder that little gestures go a long way.

    Where Did Random Acts of Kindness Begin?

    The phrase “random acts of kindness,” is believed to have been coined by the writer Anne Herbert in the early 1980s. Apparently, she scribbled on a restaurant placemat, “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” The phrase uses language of war (“senseless acts of violence”) in a call for the opposite.

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  • BIG List of Employee Appreciation Gift Ideas

    Employee Appreciation Gift Ideas - The Best Gift is You!


    2-4-6-8 – Who do we appreciate? Our hardworking employees!!

    Just in time for the holidays, gThankYou has released our Big List of Employee Appreciation Gift Ideas! This book is perfect all year for inspiration for ways to support and recognize the people who make your business work. Best yet, it’s FREE to download and share with colleagues.

    Still looking for the perfect holiday workplace gift? Check it out! Although here’s a few quick suggestions!

    The eBook is broken down into categories and lists so it’s easy to read, get inspired and apply. It’s the perfect go-to resource as you brainstorm and think through employee appreciation planning now and in the coming year. (more…)

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  • Groceries The Perfect Gift!

    Groceries make the perfect gift


    Employers often struggle to think of the perfect employee gift. What does everyone want, need and love? Food. What’s a thoughtful gift that can be shared with others all year long? Groceries are the perfect gift.

    At gThankYou, we have an easy way to share the gift of food with your team. gThankYou Grocery Gift Certificates allow recipients to buy any combination of food items – at the time and grocery store of their choosing. They prohibit any non-food items. such as alcohol or tobacco.

    If you wish to give recipients the ability to choose the meal they want for their families, choose gThankYou Grocery Gift Certificates.

    “Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” – James Beard


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  • What Employees REALLY Want for the Holidays

    what employees really want for the holidays - heartfelt appreciation.
    Today’s headlines are full of crazy statistics about the workplace, with headlines like The Great Discontent ringing in our ears. Leaders are worried about retention rates, hiring, and assessing culture. While we understand the stress that accompanies these concerns, there is a bright light. This is an excellent opportunity! Let’s discuss what employees REALLY want for the holidays – your heartfelt appreciation for their hard work and loyalty.

    This is the time to build a culture of gratitude. Thank those employees who have stuck through the hard times. Attract new talent by offering a culture that understands their needs. Build peer-to-peer and top-down communication channels and recognition that makes people feel valued.

    As we dive right into the holiday season, gThankYou is here to help you share your appreciation. Personalized, heartfelt appreciation is in demand and, together, we can deliver.


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  • Wrap Your Holiday Employee Gifts in Gratitude

    Wrap your holiday gifts in gratitude - beautifly wrapped holiday gifts

    Photo by Michelle on Unsplash


    ‘Tis the season for festive spirits and holiday gift-giving! Wrap your holiday employee gifts in gratitude and watch as spirits rise and kindness become contagious in your workplace. At gThankYou, we are believers that the season isn’t simply about buying gifts and checking off a to-do item. It is the spirit of gratitude – thanking others for the role they play in your life or business. Sincerely, authentically and from the heart.

    Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.
    – Melody Beattie

    A well-designed, personalized gift with a heartfelt note of appreciation does add that special touch. It’s both meaningful and memorable making the recipient feel special and truly valued. Let’s face it, these days we all crave sincere appreciation.


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  • Your Ultimate Thanksgiving Turkey Guide

    The Ultimate Thanksgiving Turkey Guide for Cooking the Perfect Turkey

    Download Your Free Thanksgiving Turkey Cookbook and Guide!

    Are you getting ready for Thanksgiving?

    For many, the shopping, menu planning, and preparing the meal is enjoyable and nostalgic. For others, knowing how to choose, prepare and cook the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving meal is daunting. And, sometimes you are pretty sure you know what you are doing, you just need a little help!

    We believe preparing your Thanksgiving turkey should be fun — and at gThankYou, we are here for you and your team!


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  • Not Too Late to Give a Thanksgiving Gift!

    Give a Thanksgiving gift!

    Say Thank You with a Turkey Gift!


    Thanksgiving will be here before you know it. But there’s still time to show your gratitude to hardworking employees and give a Thanksgiving gift — if you act soon and choose gThankYou!

    gThankYou offers same-day shipping, so your employee Thanksgiving gifts can be there as soon as tomorrow!

    The Thanksgiving Gift Everyone Loves!

    gThankYou Turkey Gift Certificates


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  • Say “Thank You” with a Thanksgiving Turkey!

    Say Thank You with a Thanksgiving Turkey


    Say Thank You witha Thanksgiving turkey. Now is the perfect time to give thanks!

    November is National Gratitude Month. The month leading up to Thanksgiving is perfectly fitting for us all to embrace the act of gratitude. There are many ways to express our appreciation for those in our lives. After the last year and a half, we especially appreciate being acknowledged and valued.


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  • The Difference Between Turkey Gift Certificates and Gift Cards

    The Difference Between Turkey Gift Certificates and Gift Cards

    What’s the difference between Gift Certificates and Gift Cards?

    Are you looking to share the gift of a turkey in your workplace this holiday season? Be sure to understand the differences between Turkey Gift Certificates vs. Gift Cards when choosing what’s best for your employees and customers.

    gThankYou! Turkey Gift Certificates allow recipients to choose any brand, size and preparation of whole turkey — Butterball®, Norbest®, Smithfield® or any other brand from major grocery stores in the U.S.

    gThankYou Certificates are Manufacturer Coupons which are only good for specific items (such as a whole turkey or ham or groceries), have an expiration date, and provide no cash or residual value. They cannot be deposited in the bank or used to buy other merchandise.


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  • Holiday Appreciation Planning Checklist

    Worker with holiday appreciation planning checklist!

    Believe it or not, the holidays are just around the corner. Planning ahead is key to avoid scrambling and making the season more hectic than enjoyable. The good news is that we have the tools to help you succeed! Our new holiday appreciation planning checklist can be used year-round, offering ideas for ways to celebrate your employees.

    This time of year, we highly recommend ordering your Turkey Gift Certificates and free Gratitude Cards NOW so you can cross it off your to-do list.


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  • Why a Thanksgiving Gift is so Meaningful

    Why your Thanksgiving Turkey is so meaningful

    Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude and celebrating traditions. Turkey has long-been the traditional centerpiece of the Thanksgiving meal, making it the symbol of the holiday, gratitude for the bounty of the meal, shared history and family and friends.

    While every group or family is different, there is something special about time together, gathering around the table, and enjoying each other’s company at the holidays. At gThankYou, we are passionate about what we do because it provides employers a way to celebrate team members in a way that honors gratitude and tradition.

    A Thanksgiving turkey gift is so meaningful, it positively impacts both giver and recipient. You may not know this, but turkey gift-giving has been a workplace tradition for over a century.

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  • Don’t Be Scared to Host Halloween Parties

    Halloween festivities start with decorations!

    Photo credit: Bee Felten-Leidel, Unsplash

    Last year, workplace Halloween festivities took place virtually. Despite the distance — and perhaps the initial awkwardness of dressing up for a Zoom party — events everywhere were successful! Halloween is a favorite holiday for many, offering an opportunity to tap into creativity and kid-like behaviors (candy binge, anyone?). In our current environment, everyone appreciates a chance to relax and have fun at work.

    In this new world of work, Halloween may continue to be a hybrid event. Some workplaces will resume all-things-Halloween, with elaborate decorations, cutthroat costume contests and sugar-laden parties. Others are still remote, but with full intentions of celebrating. Either way, the options to have Halloween fun are endless.

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  • Why The Corporate Turkey Gift Tradition Matters

    Giving turkeys at Thanksgiving has a long history.

    If you’ve ever been curious about why the corporate turkey gift tradition matters, the reasons are many: it’s practical, meaningful, affordable, and a gift everyone values and enjoys sharing with family and friends!

    For decades, company leaders have been giving turkeys to their employees at Thanksgiving as an expression of appreciation. The gesture is a nod to tradition and gratitude. It’s an affordable gift, but one that is truly appreciated. It’s also smart business.

    It is already that time of year to think ahead. How will you celebrate your employees this holiday season?


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  • Summer Onboarding – Make it Fun Outdoors!

    Host an onboarding event outside!

    Are you onboarding employees or interns for summer? If so, take advantage of being outside for social events!

    Who needs workplace fun? We all do! Social events are great for workplace culture and morale which are critically important for employee engagement and retention. Welcome new staff with fun outdoor activities that everyone can enjoy.


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  • How to Prioritize Workplace Wellbeing

    Workplace wellbeing matters!


    If workplace wellbeing isn’t on your priority list, now’s the time to put it on the top. Worksite wellness initiatives have been gathering steam for quite a while, but the pandemic wreaked havoc on health in a wide variety of ways. To truly appreciate your team members, be sure to provide a healthy environment where the whole being can thrive.

    According to a recent report by Gallup,

    “Organizations are responsible for the wellbeing of their employees — alleviating burnout is the right thing to do. And, it is essential for engaging and retaining top talent.”

    Burnout is real. And it’s costly. Intelligent leaders are in-tune with the signs are offer ways to address the problem.

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  • The Magic of On-the-Spot Recognition

    On-the-spot recognition = instant results. When you recognize employees right away, the benefits start right away. It’s simple and pays off. Try it today!

    Thank you for being.According to Indeed.com, “When people are offered consistent, actionable feedback, they can gain better insight into their successes and opportunities for improvement. Positive feedback is especially important because it increases morale, encourages good work and helps provide a sense of purpose.”

    A once-a-year party is great for tradition, but it doesn’t ultimately affect day-to-day performance. Shift your paradigm from celebrating at the end of the year or on an anniversary to how can we keep appreciation and a culture of celebration alive all year-round?

    It’s time to make recognition an ongoing, everyday activity. Read on to find out why on-the-spot recognition is so effective — and easier than you think!

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How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.