Start a thank you note habit today!


According to the New York Times article, “Do Thank-You Notes Still Matter?”, the author states, “The thank-you note may seem to be an archaic holdover from a time of Rolodexes and rotary phones. But etiquette experts and social observers argue that a handwritten expression of gratitude has never been more important. It can even be a gift itself.”

The article goes on to say, “And while an emailed thanks is a nice gesture, many experts say that, in this virtual age, a traditional, physical note is more powerful than ever.”

One of the best ways to say thank you is with a handwritten note. It’s a classic, meaningful way to show appreciation and motivate employees with a keepsake of your gratitude. Start your own thank you note habit and share the benefits with your team for a shift in workplace culture.

So, if you have paper and a pen, it’s worth the few minutes of your time to write a note whenever you feel like gratitude is in order.

The result? A note of thanks:

  • Boosts Happiness: Expressing gratitude through notes of appreciation can elevate mood and well-being for both the writer and recipient.

  • Strengthens Relationships: A special note to express thanks shows you took time and effort to express appreciation. This strengthens bonds and enhances positive connections.

  • Improves Work Culture: In the workplace, a thank you note for a colleague or employee’s help can improve morale and create a more positive work environment.

  • Lasting Impact: Unlike a fleeting verbal thank you, a handwritten note is a tangible reminder of your appreciation.

Better yet, start an employee Thank You note habit! Turning appreciation into a regular workplace habit makes sharing gratitude easier and faster — and it feeds your company culture.

7 Benefits of an Employee Thank You Note Habit

Consider starting an employee thank you note habit with a team of managers. Here’s what many leaders have discovered after making it a habitual practice:
A handwritten thank you note can make someone's day!

1. Gratitude comes naturally (when you let it)

Finding time to write thank you notes is the biggest hurdle for most people. Once you’ve done that, and protected this time from distractions, the gratitude starts flowing. There is always someone doing good work that should be recognized.

2. Sometimes, people need “permission” to start thanking others

The first step to starting any new habit is giving yourself (or receiving) permission to just do it. If gratitude notes aren’t yet part of your corporate culture, it may seem too personal or out of place. Leaders can set the tone by beginning the practice, making it seem more natural for the rest of the team.

3. Gratitude-centered thinking opens up possibilities

Something magical happens when people get the opportunity to thank others. As they start thinking of people to thank, they center their thinking on gratitude. They discover the endless possibilities for thank you notes to significant others, volunteers, and vendors who make their lives better.

4. Notes that say “Thanks!” cultivate a thoughtful environment

When people slow down for a minute and express thanks, the culture of the workplace can drastically improve. When people are both giving and receiving notes of gratitude, people are more fulfilled.

5. Thank you notes become artifacts of history

A genuine note of thanks can become a treasured keepsake. Many people save these thanks and accolades as a reminder of a job well done and serves as an illustration of pride.

6. Handwritten notes are a chance to be personal

Thank you notes allow you to express gratitude in a way that’s specific to the situation and person. Sharing heartfelt impact or mentioning details adds a personal touch that creates a unique and beautiful sentiment.

7. A little effort has a big impact

Notes like this should only take a few minutes to write. Yes, be thoughtful, but it takes less time than almost any other task if you write from the heart.

Strengthen Your Workplace with Gratitude

An employee thank Yyou note habit is just one way to transform your workplace with gratitude! For more practical tips on sharing and promoting gratitude every day in your workplace, download our free eBook “Transform Your Workplace With Gratitude.” You’ll find advice on recruiting and retaining a great workforce, engaging employees and building a sustainable culture of appreciation.

Learn More About gThankYou Certificates of Gratitude:


Top Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash
Notes Photo by Vika Fleysher on Unsplash

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Gift Certificates

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How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.