11 Positive Workplace Quotes for Inspired Employees

Positive workplace quotes don't require a jar.

Gratitude quotes, gratitude notes, gratitude goats? Sure, we’ll take ’em all! Is the concept of sharing gratitude regularly embraced in your organization? Sometimes it just takes a moment to remember how much a statement or action of gratitude can make an incredible difference in someone’s day — and overall experience in the workplace. At gThankYou, we are proponents of finding everyday ways to express appreciation.

We’ve gathered up 11 positive workplace quotes that may serve as a timely reminder to share thanks with those around you. Let these positive workplace quotes help inspire an everyday culture of workplace gratitude among your leaders, teams, volunteers, partners, and other stakeholders.

Want a great workplace culture? The secret is gratitude.

Gratitude sweeps away toxicity and replaces it with positivity — it motivates employees, encourages loyalty, relieves stress and makes us all healthier and kinder.

We hope you find inspiration from the following positive workplace quotes. Please also download your free eBook below on how to build a lasting workplace culture of gratitude.

11 Positive Workplace Quotes to Inspire Gratitude

Don't forget to tell people, "you're doing great!"1. Don’t Keep It Quiet

“Silent gratitude isn’t very much to anyone.” — Gertrude Stein, novelist

2. Realize that Gratitude Is a Human Need

“People want to be understood and respected as individuals. Years ago, an executive editor of mine said, ‘You should count the number of times you praise somebody and then double that.’ Even the toughest, steeliest writer or editor often really wants to be told, ‘Hey, that was a great piece.’ Early in my career as a manager, it probably took me a while to realize that everyone wants that. It’s just a human need.” — Cindi Leive, editor-in-chief of Glamour

3. Show Gratitude for the Little Things

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” — Robert Brault, author

4. Connect Over a Daily Meal

“What’s interesting about investing in people for the long term is that you don’t do it for a return. You do it because that’s how you connect with people, and it’s how you truly build a sustaining relationship … We have about 30 employees, and every day we sit together for lunch at one big table, and we don’t talk about work. It really brings you so much closer.” — Lorna Borenstein, founder and CEO of Grokker

5. Build a Sense of Ownership with these positive workplace quotes

“I learned [about leadership] from my mother, and I learned from watching politics. It’s about getting people vested in the outcome of success. … I was the chairman, so if the board did well, I was going to get credit for it. But I felt it was important to let other people get credit and recognition, and it gave them more of a sense of ownership in general.” — R. Donahue Peebles, CEO of the Peebles Corporation

6. Transform Common Days into Thanksgivings

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” — William Arthur Ward, motivational speaker and author

7. Don’t Skip the Celebration!

“One of our values … is that we are never done. That speaks to the idea of being tenacious — there is good, but you can do it even better. But you have to celebrate wins and let everyone who worked hard on something know that they were successful and that you’re proud of the team. When I was younger, I would just skip right over that. But now I understand that recognition is very important. — Niraj Shah, cofounder and CEO of Wayfair.com

8. Be Grateful for the “Charming Gardeners”Any day can feel like a celebration

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” — Marcel Proust, novelist

9. Positive Workplace Quotes That Look to the Future in Gratitude

“I like being surrounded by people who have very little fear and very little respect for the past — not in a negative way, but in a positive way. They appreciate everything that’s been done, but they constantly look for how to do it better. When you lead with what’s possible, and how you create value for people, it’s energizing. Being around that kind of energy and inspiration has allowed me to think bigger than I probably ever would have thought.” — Dan Rosensweig, president and chief executive of Chegg

10. Create a Vision for Tomorrow

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” — Melody Beattie, author

11. Don’t Wait for Gratitude!

“In life, one has a choice to take one of two paths: to wait for some special day — or to celebrate each special day.” — Rasheed Ogunlaru, life coach and author

Transform Your Workplace with Gratitude

Looking for more than positive workplace quotes? Gratitude is transformative in the workplace! Want to build a culture of gratitude in your workplace? Download gThankYou’s must-have free eBook, “Transform Your Workplace With Gratitude.” It’s full of practical learning that you can start putting to use today, in addition to your positive workplace quotes!

Learn from positive psychology and leadership experts how to build (and sustain) a workplace culture of gratitude that attracts employees and customers. You’ll increase productivity, loyalty and employee satisfaction. Soon you’ll be hearing positive workplace quotes from your team. What’s not to love about that!

Make building gratitude an investment in your workplace in honor of #GivingTuesday.

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Neon Sign Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Donut Photo by Shayna Douglas on Unsplash

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