Developing Workplace Gratitude, Culture, and Well-being

Immerse yourself in a wealth of insightful articles designed to nurture workplace gratitude, enhance employee well-being, and foster a thriving workplace culture. This category presents innovative strategies and practical tips that will bolster employee engagement, encourage team building, and boost overall productivity.

Cultivating Connection and Positivity in the Workplace

Discover the transformative power of regular check-ins and small gestures of appreciation in strengthening workplace relationships. Explore how incorporating elements of happiness, like pet-friendly policies or the surprise delight of cat videos, can enhance employee well-being and inject joy into your daily work environment. Additionally, understand the role of nutrition in promoting both individual and collective happiness in the workplace.

Harnessing Gratitude and Celebrating Values

Uncover the profound effects of practicing gratitude in the workplace, from expressing heartfelt thanks to planning appreciation events. Get inspired by thought-provoking TED Talks that reveal how gratitude can rewire the brain, foster positive relationships, and increase happiness. Moreover, learn the importance of celebrating teams and organizational values to underscore that your business is about people and values, not just work and the bottom line.

Navigating New Ways of Working

With the evolving work landscape, learn how to adapt to new ways of working and retain top talent, particularly in remote and hybrid environments. Appreciate the significance of random acts of kindness and gratitude in creating a supportive workplace atmosphere. Furthermore, understand the critical role of mental health and well-being, especially in the current mental health crisis.

Reboarding with a Focus on Gratitude and Well-being

As you reboard employees, seize the opportunity to reinvigorate your workplace culture with a focus on gratitude. Find out how to make employee appreciation a central pillar in your workplace, fostering a positive and engaging culture as you navigate the new normal.

Embark on the exciting journey of cultivating a vibrant and grateful workplace, where every employee feels valued and motivated. Happy reading!

  • Randoms Acts of Kindness and Gratitude

    Photo by Adam Nemeroff on Unsplash - Sign that says be kind with a heart

    We honor Random Acts of Kindness Week every February (Feb. 13-19 this year) to celebrate small acts of goodwill. We all know that every day is a good day to build workplace gratitude through kindness. But how often do you think about random acts of kindness? How often do you actually do it? It’s a great reminder that little gestures go a long way.

    Where Did Random Acts of Kindness Begin?

    The phrase “random acts of kindness,” is believed to have been coined by the writer Anne Herbert in the early 1980s. Apparently, she scribbled on a restaurant placemat, “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” The phrase uses language of war (“senseless acts of violence”) in a call for the opposite.

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  • Summer Onboarding – Make it Fun Outdoors!

    Host an onboarding event outside!

    Are you onboarding employees or interns for summer? If so, take advantage of being outside for social events!

    Who needs workplace fun? We all do! Social events are great for workplace culture and morale which are critically important for employee engagement and retention. Welcome new staff with fun outdoor activities that everyone can enjoy.


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  • How to Prioritize Workplace Wellbeing

    Workplace wellbeing matters!


    If workplace wellbeing isn’t on your priority list, now’s the time to put it on the top. Worksite wellness initiatives have been gathering steam for quite a while, but the pandemic wreaked havoc on health in a variety of ways. To truly appreciate your team members, be sure to provide a healthy environment where the whole being can thrive.

    According to a recent report by Gallup, “Organizations are responsible for the wellbeing of their employees — alleviating burnout is the right thing to do. And, it is essential for engaging and retaining top talent.”


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  • 6 Causes of Workplace Burnout With Proven Solutions

    workplace burnout - image of a fraying rope about to break

    Workplace Burnout Has Worsened During Pandemic

    NPR’s Life Kit recently addressed the growing problem of workplace burnout.  They shared results from a survey supported by Harvard Business Review from the fall of 2020 which indicated that burnout is a global problem (respondents were from 46 countries) that has gotten worse during the pandemic.

    Here are some statistics:

    • 89% of respondents said work life was getting worse.
    • 85% said well-being had declined.
    • 56% said demands had increased.
    • 62% of those struggling to manage their workloads experienced burnout “often” or “extremely often” in previous three months.
    • 57% of employees felt that pandemic had a “large effect on” or “completely dominated” their work.


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  • The Power of Workplace Gratitude

    workplace Gratitude

    Gratitude in our personal and professional lives is a trending topic these days, but when we first introduced our popular ebook, Transforming Your Workplace With Gratitude, in 2013 we were in the vanguard of the workplace gratitude movement as it relates to company culture and employee engagement.

    Sharing new information related to this fascinating topic through our publications and blog has long been a priority. In the face of the worldwide pandemic, gratitude is again a popular topic. Be sure to check out our other posts on gratitude in the category, “Workplace Gratitude, Culture, Well-being”.Download your free copy and harness the power of workplace gratitude!Since its introduction, our eBook on workplace gratitude has been a helpful guide for companies, large and small, as they learned to embrace an attitude of gratitude.  Over the last five years, research has underscored the power of gratitude in our lives.

    This growing body of research demonstrates that companies that make an effort to appreciate employees are among the most successful, most innovative companies in the world and have the highest rates of employee satisfaction and retention.


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  • 5 Simple Ways to Take Back the Holidays

    Thanksgiving Family Picture

    The craziness of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday, make it easy to lose the joy and spirit of the holidays. Feeling tired and stressed with the holidays looming ahead? You are not alone. Your colleagues likely feel this way too. Take back the holidays – with gratitude!

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How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.